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Blackbird Leys Larder

Website. Branding. E-Cards.

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Website Design

Pixelverse created a responsive website for the Black Bird Leys community larder, a non-profit organisation based in the UK. The website is optimised for all devices and provides an easy-to-use interface for visitors to learn about the larder, its mission, and how they can get involved.

Pixelverse also created a unique colour scheme for the larder, using colours that reflect the organisation's values and mission. The website's design is visually appealing and easy to navigate, providing a positive user experience for visitors.

The website has been instrumental in helping the Black Bird Leys community larder to get more awareness in the area, attracting more visitors and volunteers to the organisation. Pixelverse's expertise in web design and development has helped the non-profit to establish a strong online presence, improving its ability to serve the community.

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Pixelverse created e-business cards for the Black Bird Leys community larder, providing an easy way for people to access information about the organisation and get involved. The cards included a QR code to download the larder's brochure and contact information.

The e-business cards created by Pixelverse for the Black Bird Leys community larder also include important links to their social media profiles, helping to increase the organisation's online visibility and reach a wider audience.

By making it easy for people to connect with the larder on social media, Pixelverse has helped the organisation to build a strong online community and engage with supporters and volunteers in a more meaningful way.

The e-cards provide a convenient and effective way for the larder to promote its mission and activities, and to connect with people who share its values and goals.


Pixelverse also designed the email signature and logo for the Black Bird Leys community larder, helping to establish a cohesive and professional brand identity for the organisation. The logo reflects the larder's values and mission, while the email signature provides a professional and consistent way for the organisation to communicate with supporters and volunteers.

With Pixelverse's design expertise, the Black Bird Leys community larder has been able to establish a strong and recognisable brand identity that reflects its important role in the community.